The Directorate of Links and International Affairs (DLIA) was established by the University Council in July 2018. It is under the office of Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic (DVC-AC). The new Directorate does not work on its own to accomplish its tasks. It deals with various offices within the University. The Directorate is dealing with foreign admissions at both levels and coordinating other tasks such as examination, fee collection, recruitment of part time tutors, supervision of research students and collaboration with various institutions abroad.
The core functions of the directorate of Links and International Affairs is to oversee the University activities carried out internationally. The office is also responsible for maintenance of a positive relationship and a sense of mutual connection between the International admission office and the larger admission offices and strive to increase enrolment of international students and retain the existing students. Consequently, the Directorate is obliged to ensure that the opportunities emanating from the core activities of the University such as research, consultancy and teaching are effectively exploited. Furthermore, the office is required by the University rolling strategic plan to improve the marketing strategies with our embassies and our sister institutions abroad in order to attract potential applicants as many as possible. The office is also responsible for regular review of the MOUs and SLAs and establish new collaborations locally and abroad.

Programs & Services
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Our History
The Open University of Tanzania had no students outside the country during the early years of its establishment. The University operated locally with its students from regions across the country. As time went on, the University extended its services in countries such as Kenya, Rwanda, Malawi, Burundi and others. International Students Office (ISO) was established as an effort to improve student’s services in foreign countries. The office fell under Directorate of Undergraduate Studies and it was a contact point of foreign students. Recently, the International Students Office (ISO) has been transformed and upgraded to a new Directorate of Links and International Affairs (DLIA).
First Graduates 1892 -
Relations Program
Launched 1894 -
Bimonthly Magazine
Launched 1977 -
Alumni Official Site
Launched 1999 -
Alumni Dashboard
Launched 2002 -
Worldwide Travel
Launched 2006
We are not just Friend, We are Family
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Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate.